Source code for open3SPN2.ff3SPN2

This module implements the 3SPN2 forcefield and 3SPN2.C forcefield in openmm.
It also contains Protein-DNA interaction potentials to be used with openAWSEM.
# TODO Curved BDNA is currently using the original pdb template, it should use X3DNA if possible,
#  so I need to make it able to take parameters from another pdb if necessary

__author__ = 'Carlos Bueno'
__version__ = '0.2'

import simtk.openmm
import simtk.unit as unit
import configparser
import numpy as np
import itertools
import scipy.spatial.distance as sdist
import os
import pdbfixer
import pandas
import subprocess
import nose

__location__ = os.path.realpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), os.path.dirname(__file__)))
_ef = 1 * unit.kilocalorie / unit.kilojoule  # energy scaling factor
_df = 1 * unit.angstrom / unit.nanometer  # distance scaling factor
_af = 1 * / unit.radian  # angle scaling factor
_complement = {'A': 'T', 'T': 'A', 'G': 'C', 'C': 'G'}
_dnaResidues = ['DA', 'DC', 'DT', 'DG']
_proteinResidues = ['IPR', 'IGL', 'NGP']
xml = f'{__location__}/3SPN2.xml'

[docs]def parseConfigTable(config_section): """ Parses a section of the configuration file as a table. This function is used to parse the 3SPN2.conf file""" def readData(config_section, a): """Filters comments and returns values as a list""" temp = config_section.get(a).split('#')[0].split() l = [] for val in temp: val = val.strip() try: x = int(val) l += [x] except ValueError: try: y = float(val) l += [y] except ValueError: l += [val] return l data = [] for a in config_section: if a == 'name': columns = readData(config_section, a) elif len(a) > 3 and a[:3] == 'row': data += [readData(config_section, a)] else: print(f'Unexpected row {readData(config_section, a)}') return pandas.DataFrame(data, columns=columns)
[docs]def parsePDB(pdb_file): """ Transforms the pdb file into a pandas table for easy access and data editing""" def pdb_line(line): return dict(recname=str(line[0:6]).strip(), serial=int(line[6:11]), name=str(line[12:16]).strip(), altLoc=str(line[16:17]), resname=str(line[17:20]).strip(), chainID=str(line[21:22]), resSeq=int(line[22:26]), iCode=str(line[26:27]), x=float(line[30:38]), y=float(line[38:46]), z=float(line[46:54]), occupancy=1.0 if line[54:60].strip()=='' else float(line[54:60]), # Assume occupancy 1 if empty tempFactor=1.0 if line[60:66].strip()=='' else float(line[60:66]),# Assume beta 1 if empty element=str(line[76:78]), charge=str(line[78:80])) with open(pdb_file, 'r') as pdb: lines = [] for line in pdb: if len(line) > 6 and line[:6] in ['ATOM ', 'HETATM']: lines += [pdb_line(line)] pdb_atoms = pandas.DataFrame(lines) pdb_atoms = pdb_atoms[['recname', 'serial', 'name', 'altLoc', 'resname', 'chainID', 'resSeq', 'iCode', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'occupancy', 'tempFactor', 'element', 'charge']] return pdb_atoms
[docs]def fixPDB(pdb_file): """Uses the pdbfixer library to fix a pdb file, replacing non standard residues, removing hetero-atoms and adding missing hydrogens. The input is a pdb file location, the output is a fixer object, which is a pdb in the openawsem format.""" fixer = pdbfixer.PDBFixer(filename=pdb_file, ) fixer.findMissingResidues() chains = list(fixer.topology.chains()) keys = fixer.missingResidues.keys() for key in list(keys): chain_tmp = chains[key[0]] if key[1] in [0, len(list(chain_tmp.residues()))]: del fixer.missingResidues[key] fixer.findNonstandardResidues() fixer.replaceNonstandardResidues() fixer.removeHeterogens(keepWater=False) fixer.findMissingAtoms() fixer.addMissingAtoms() fixer.addMissingHydrogens(7.0) return fixer
[docs]def pdb2table(pdb): """ Parses a pdb in the openmm format and outputs a table that contains all the information on a pdb file """ cols = ['recname', 'serial', 'name', 'altLoc', 'resname', 'chainID', 'resSeq', 'iCode', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'occupancy', 'tempFactor', 'element', 'charge'] data = [] for atom, pos in zip(pdb.topology.atoms(), pdb.positions): residue = atom.residue chain = residue.chain pos = pos.value_in_unit(unit.angstrom) data += [dict(zip(cols, ['ATOM', int(,, '',,, int(, '', pos[0], pos[1], pos[2], 0, 0, atom.element.symbol, '']))] atom_list = pandas.DataFrame(data) atom_list = atom_list[cols] atom_list.index = atom_list['serial'] return atom_list
[docs]class DNA(object): """ A Coarse Grained DNA object.""" def __init__(self, periodic=True): """Initializes an DNA object""" self.periodic = periodic def __repr__(self): return f'3SPN2 DNA object ({len(self.atoms)} atoms)' # print the sequence and the identity of the DNA object
[docs] def parseConfigurationFile(self, configuration_file=f'{__location__}/3SPN2.conf'): """Reads the configuration file for the forcefield. The default configuration file is 3SPN2.conf and it contains most of the parameters used in the simulation.""" self.configuration_file = configuration_file config = configparser.ConfigParser() # Parse all sections of the configuration file self.config = {} for c in config.sections(): self.config.update({c: parseConfigTable(config[c])}) # Assign main sections to variables self.particle_definition = self.config['Particles'] self.bond_definition = self.config['Bonds'] self.angle_definition = self.config['Harmonic Angles'] self.dihedral_definition = self.config['Dihedrals'] self.stacking_definition = self.config['Base Stackings'] self.pair_definition = self.config['Base Pairs'] self.cross_definition = self.config['Cross Stackings']
[docs] def getSequences(self): """ Returns the DNA sequence as a Pandas Series. The index of the Series is (Chain, resid)""" dna_data = self.atoms[self.atoms.resname.isin(_dnaResidues)].copy() sequences = {} for c, chain in dna_data.groupby('chainID'): chain = chain.copy() resix = chain.resSeq res_unique = resix.unique() # chain['resID'] = resix.replace(dict(zip(res_unique, range(len(res_unique))))) sequences.update({(c, i): r.iloc[0]['resname'][1] for i, r in chain.groupby('resSeq')}) self.sequence = pandas.Series(sequences) return self.sequence
[docs] def computeGeometry(self, sequence=None, temp_name='temp'): """ This function requires X3DNA. It returns a pdb table containing the expected DNA structure""" #print("Computing geometry") pair = self.config['Base Pair Geometry'] step = self.config['Base Step Geometry'] pair.index = pair['stea'] step.index = step['stea'] + step['steb'] data = [] _s = None if sequence is None: sequence = self.getSequences() seq = ''.join(sequence.values) for s in seq: pair_s = pair.loc[s, ['shear', 'stretch', 'stagger', 'buckle', 'propeller', 'opening']] if _s: step_s = step.loc[_s + s, ['shift', 'slide', 'rise', 'tilt', 'roll', 'twist']] else: step_s = (step.loc['AA', ['shift', 'slide', 'rise', 'tilt', 'roll', 'twist']] + 100) * 0 data += [pandas.concat([pandas.Series([f'{s}-{_complement[s]}'], index=['Sequence']), pair_s, step_s])] _s = s data = pandas.concat(data, axis=1).T try: location_x3dna = os.environ["X3DNA"] except KeyError as ex: raise X3DNAnotFound from ex with open(f'{temp_name}_parameters.par', 'w+') as par: par.write(f' {len(data)} # Number of base pairs\n') par.write(f' 0 # local base-pair & step parameters\n') par.write('#') par.write(data.to_csv(sep=' ', index=False)) # Attempting to call rebuild multiple times # This function fails sometimes when called by multiple because a file with the same name is created attempt = 0 max_attempts = 10 while attempt < max_attempts: try: subprocess.check_output([f'{location_x3dna}/bin/x3dna_utils', 'cp_std', 'BDNA']) subprocess.check_output([f'{location_x3dna}/bin/rebuild', '-atomic', f'{temp_name}_parameters.par', f'{temp_name}_template.pdb']) break except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: attempt += 1 if attempt == max_attempts: print(f"subprocess.CalledProcessError failed {max_attempts} times {e.args[0]}: {e.args[1]}") template_dna = self.fromPDB(f'{temp_name}_template.pdb', output_pdb=f'{temp_name}_temp.pdb', compute_topology=False) template = template_dna.atoms.copy() try: self.atoms except AttributeError: return template template = template[template['chainID'] == 'A'] original = self.atoms.copy() original.index = original['chainID'].astype(str) + '_' + original['resSeq'].astype(str) + '_' + original['name'] ii = [] for i, r in template.iterrows(): name = r['name'] seq_template = r['resname'][1:] j = r['resSeq'] - 1 seq_seq = self.sequence.iloc[j] assert seq_seq == seq_template chain, resseq = self.sequence.index[j] ii += [f'{chain}_{resseq}_{name}'] template.index = ii merge = pandas.merge(original, template, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='left', suffixes=['_old', '']) original[['x', 'y', 'z']] = merge[['x', 'y', 'z']] original.index = self.atoms.index return original
[docs] def computeTopology(self, template_from_X3DNA=True, temp_name='temp'): """ Creates tables of bonds, angles and dihedrals with their respective parameters (bonded interactions). 3SPN2.C requires a template structure to calculate the equilibrium bonds, angles and dihedrals. If template_from_structure is True, it will try to compute the equilibrium geometry using X3DNA. If template_from_structure is False, then the initial structure is expected to be the equilibrium geometry""" # Parse configuration file if not already done try: self.bond_definition except AttributeError: self.parseConfigurationFile() DNAtype = self.DNAtype if DNAtype not in self.angle_definition['DNA'].unique(): raise DNATypeError(self) # Rewrite index in case it is not ordered self.atoms.index = range(len(self.atoms)) # Compute B_curved geometry if needed if DNAtype == 'B_curved' and template_from_X3DNA: self.template_atoms = self.computeGeometry(temp_name=temp_name) else: self.template_atoms = self.atoms # Make an index to build the topology index = {} cr_list = set() # Chain residue list for i, atom in self.atoms.iterrows(): index.update({(atom['chainID'], atom['resSeq'], atom['name']): i}) cr_list.update([(atom['chainID'], atom['resSeq'])]) cr_list = list(cr_list) cr_list.sort() # max_chain = self.atoms['chain'].max() # max_residue = self.atoms['resSeq'].max() assert len(index) == len(self.atoms), 'Atom index was repeated' # Select ADNA bond definitions bond_types = self.bond_definition[self.bond_definition['DNA'] == DNAtype] angle_types = self.angle_definition[self.angle_definition['DNA'] == DNAtype] stacking_types = self.stacking_definition[self.stacking_definition['DNA'] == DNAtype] dihedral_types = self.dihedral_definition[self.dihedral_definition['DNA'] == DNAtype] # print(bond_types) # print(index) # Make a table with bonds data = [] for i, ftype in bond_types.iterrows(): # print(bond_type) ai = ftype['i'] aj = ftype['j'] s1 = ftype['s1'] for c, r in cr_list: k1 = (c, r, ai) k2 = (c, r + s1, aj) if k1 in index and k2 in index: data += [[i, index[k1], index[k2]]] data = pandas.DataFrame(data, columns=['name', 'aai', 'aaj']) self.bonds = data.merge(bond_types, left_on='name', right_index=True) if DNAtype == 'B_curved': # Make default distances the same as the initial distance x1 = self.template_atoms.loc[self.bonds['aai']][['x', 'y', 'z']] x2 = self.template_atoms.loc[self.bonds['aaj']][['x', 'y', 'z']] self.bonds['r0'] = np.diag(sdist.cdist(x1, x2))/10 # Make a table with angles data = [] base = self.atoms['resname'].str[1:2] for i, ftype in angle_types.iterrows(): # if != 37: # continue # print(bond_type) ai = ftype['i'] aj = ftype['j'] ak = ftype['k'] s1 = ftype['s1'] s2 = ftype['s2'] b1 = ftype['Base1'] b2 = ftype['Base2'] sb = ftype['sB'] for c, r in cr_list: # print(ftype) k1 = (c, r, ai) k2 = (c, r + s1, aj) k3 = (c, r + s2, ak) k4 = (c, r + sb, 'S') if ( k1 in index and k2 in index and k3 in index and k4 in index and (b1 == '*' or base[index[k1]] == b1) and (b2 == '*' or base[index[k4]] == b2) ): data += [[i, index[k1], index[k2], index[k3], index[k4], sb]] data = pandas.DataFrame(data, columns=['name', 'aai', 'aaj', 'aak', 'aax', 'sB']) self.angles = data.merge(angle_types, left_on='name', right_index=True) if DNAtype == 'B_curved': # Make initial angles the default angles v1 = self.template_atoms.loc[self.angles['aai']].reset_index()[['x', 'y', 'z']] v2 = self.template_atoms.loc[self.angles['aaj']].reset_index()[['x', 'y', 'z']] v3 = self.template_atoms.loc[self.angles['aak']].reset_index()[['x', 'y', 'z']] a = v1 - v2 a = np.array(a) / np.linalg.norm(a, keepdims=True, axis=1, ) b = v3 - v2 b = np.array(b) / np.linalg.norm(b, keepdims=True, axis=1, ) self.angles['t0'] = np.arccos(np.einsum('ij,ij->i', a, b)) / np.pi * 180 # Make a table with stackings data = [] for i, ftype in stacking_types.iterrows(): # print(bond_type) ai = ftype['i'] aj = ftype['j'] ak = ftype['k'] s1 = ftype['s1'] s2 = ftype['s2'] for c, r in cr_list: k1 = (c, r, ai) k2 = (c, r + s1, aj) k3 = (c, r + s2, ak) if k1 in index and k2 in index and k3 in index: data += [[i, index[k1], index[k2], index[k3]]] data = pandas.DataFrame(data, columns=['name', 'aai', 'aaj', 'aak']) self.stackings = data.merge(stacking_types, left_on='name', right_index=True) # Make a table with dihedrals data = [] for i, ftype in dihedral_types.iterrows(): # print(bond_type) ai = ftype['i'] aj = ftype['j'] ak = ftype['k'] al = ftype['l'] s1 = ftype['s1'] s2 = ftype['s2'] s3 = ftype['s3'] for c, r in cr_list: k1 = (c, r, ai) k2 = (c, r + s1, aj) k3 = (c, r + s2, ak) k4 = (c, r + s3, al) if k1 in index and k2 in index and k3 in index and k4 in index: data += [[i, index[k1], index[k2], index[k3], index[k4]]] data = pandas.DataFrame(data, columns=['name', 'aai', 'aaj', 'aak', 'aal']) self.dihedrals = data.merge(dihedral_types, left_on='name', right_index=True) if DNAtype == 'B_curved': # Make initial dihedrals the default dihedrals a1 = self.template_atoms.loc[self.dihedrals['aai']].reset_index()[['x', 'y', 'z']] a2 = self.template_atoms.loc[self.dihedrals['aaj']].reset_index()[['x', 'y', 'z']] a3 = self.template_atoms.loc[self.dihedrals['aak']].reset_index()[['x', 'y', 'z']] a4 = self.template_atoms.loc[self.dihedrals['aal']].reset_index()[['x', 'y', 'z']] b1 = np.array(a2 - a1) b2 = np.array(a3 - a2) b3 = np.array(a4 - a3) n1 = np.cross(b1, b2) n2 = np.cross(b2, b3) n1 /= np.linalg.norm(n1, axis=1, keepdims=True) n2 /= np.linalg.norm(n2, axis=1, keepdims=True) b2 /= np.linalg.norm(b2, axis=1, keepdims=True) m1 = np.cross(n1, b2) x = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', n1, n2) y = np.einsum('ij,ij->i', m1, n2) d = np.arctan2(y, x) / np.pi * 180 self.dihedrals['t0'] = -d - 180
[docs] def writePDB(self, pdb_file='clean.pdb'): """ Writes a minimal version of the pdb file needed for openmm """ # Compute chain field if type(self.atoms['chainID'].iloc[0]) is not str: chain_ix = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz' self.atoms['chainID'] = [chain_ix[i - 1] for i in self.atoms['chainID']] # Compute element fields element_ix = {'P': 'P', 'S': 'H', 'A': 'N', 'T': 'S', 'C': 'O', 'G': 'C'} # Elements choosen to keep VMD colors self.atoms.loc[:, 'element'] = [element_ix[atomType] for atomType in self.atoms['name']] # Write pdb file with open(pdb_file, 'w+') as pdb: for i, atom in self.atoms.iterrows(): pdb_line = f'ATOM {i + 1:>5} {atom["name"]:^4} {atom.resname:<3} {atom.chainID}{atom.resSeq:>4} {atom.x:>8.3f}{atom.y:>8.3f}{atom.z:>8.3f}' + ' ' * 22 + f'{atom.element:2}' + ' ' * 2 assert len(pdb_line) == 80, 'An item in the atom table is longer than expected' pdb.write(pdb_line + '\n') self.pdb_file = pdb_file return pdb_file
[docs] @classmethod def fromCoarsePDB(cls, pdb_file, dna_type='B_curved', template_from_X3DNA=True, temp_name='temp', compute_topology=True): """Initializes a DNA object from a pdb file containing the Coarse Grained atoms""" self = cls() self.atoms = parsePDB(pdb_file) self.atoms.loc[:, 'type'] = self.atoms['name'] # Initialize the system from the pdb self.DNAtype = dna_type if compute_topology: self.parseConfigurationFile() self.computeTopology(temp_name=temp_name, template_from_X3DNA=template_from_X3DNA) self.pdb_file = pdb_file return self
[docs] @classmethod def fromPDB(cls, pdb_file, dna_type='B_curved', template_from_X3DNA=True, output_pdb='clean.pdb', temp_name='temp', compute_topology=True): """Creates a DNA object from a complete(atomistic) pdb file""" self = cls() pdb = fixPDB(pdb_file) pdb_table = pdb2table(pdb) self.atoms = self.CoarseGrain(pdb_table) self.DNAtype = dna_type if compute_topology: self.parseConfigurationFile() self.computeTopology(temp_name=temp_name, template_from_X3DNA=template_from_X3DNA) self.writePDB(output_pdb) #self.atomistic_model=temp return self
[docs] @staticmethod def CoarseGrain(pdb_table): """ Selects DNA atoms from a pdb table and returns a table containing only the coarse-grained atoms for 3SPN2""" masses = {"H": 1.00794, "C": 12.0107, "N": 14.0067, "O": 15.9994, "P": 30.973762, } CG = {"O5\'": 'P', "C5\'": 'S', "C4\'": 'S', "O4\'": 'S', "C3\'": 'S', "O3\'": 'P', "C2\'": 'S', "C1\'": 'S', "O5*": 'P', "C5*": 'S', "C4*": 'S', "O4*": 'S', "C3*": 'S', "O3*": 'P', "C2*": 'S', "C1*": 'S', "N1": 'B', "C2": 'B', "O2": 'B', "N2": 'B', "N3": 'B', "C4": 'B', "N4": 'B', "C5": 'B', "C6": 'B', "N9": 'B', "C8": 'B', "O6": 'B', "N7": 'B', "N6": 'B', "O4": 'B', "C7": 'B', "P": 'P', "OP1": 'P', "OP2": 'P', "O1P": 'P', "O2P": 'P', "OP3": 'P', "HO5'": 'P', "H5'": 'S', "H5''": 'S', "H4'": 'S', "H3'": 'S', "H2'": 'S', "H2''": 'S', "H1'": 'S', "H8": 'B', "H61": 'B', "H62": 'B', 'H2': 'B', 'H1': 'B', 'H21': 'B', 'H22': 'B', 'H3': 'B', 'H71': 'B', 'H72': 'B', 'H73': 'B', 'H6': 'B', 'H41': 'B', 'H42': 'B', 'H5': 'B', "HO3'": 'P'} cols = ['recname', 'serial', 'name', 'altLoc', 'resname', 'chainID', 'resSeq', 'iCode', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'occupancy', 'tempFactor', 'element', 'charge', 'type'] temp = pdb_table.copy() # Select DNA residues temp = temp[temp['resname'].isin(['DA', 'DT', 'DG', 'DC'])] # Group the atoms by sugar, phosphate or base temp['group'] = temp['name'].replace(CG) temp = temp[temp['group'].isin(['P', 'S', 'B'])] # Move the O3' to the next residue for c in temp['chainID'].unique(): sel = temp.loc[(temp['name'] == "O3\'") & (temp['chainID'] == c), "resSeq"] temp.loc[(temp['name'] == "O3\'") & (temp['chainID'] == c), "resSeq"] = list(sel)[1:] + [-1] sel = temp.loc[(temp['name'] == "O3\'") & (temp['chainID'] == c), "resname"] temp.loc[(temp['name'] == "O3\'") & (temp['chainID'] == c), "resname"] = list(sel)[1:] + ["remove"] #temp = temp[temp['resSeq'] > 0] temp = temp[temp['resname'] != 'remove'] # Calculate center of mass temp['element']=temp['element'].str.strip() temp['mass'] = temp.element.replace(masses).astype(float) temp[['x', 'y', 'z']] = (temp[['x', 'y', 'z']].T * temp['mass']).T[['x', 'y', 'z']] temp = temp[temp['element'] != 'H'] # Exclude hydrogens Coarse = temp.groupby(['chainID', 'resSeq', 'resname', 'group']).sum().reset_index() Coarse[['x', 'y', 'z']] = (Coarse[['x', 'y', 'z']].T / Coarse['mass']).T[['x', 'y', 'z']] # Set pdb columns Coarse['recname'] = 'ATOM' Coarse['name'] = Coarse['group'] Coarse['altLoc'] = '' Coarse['iCode'] = '' Coarse['charge'] = '' # Change name of base to real base mask = ( == 'B') Coarse.loc[mask, 'name'] = Coarse[mask].resname.str[-1] # takes last letter from the residue name Coarse['type'] = Coarse['name'] # Set element (depends on base) Coarse['element'] = Coarse['name'].replace({'P': 'P', 'S': 'H', 'A': 'N', 'T': 'S', 'G': 'C', 'C': 'O'}) # Remove P from the beggining drop_list = [] for chain in Coarse.chainID.unique(): sel = Coarse[Coarse.chainID == chain] drop_list += list(sel[(sel.resSeq == sel.resSeq.min()) & sel['name'].isin(['P'])].index) Coarse = Coarse.drop(drop_list) # Renumber Coarse.index = range(len(Coarse)) Coarse['serial'] = Coarse.index return Coarse[cols]
# @classmethod # def fromGRO(cls, gro_file): # """Initializes a DNA object from a gromacs input file""" # # Parse the gromacs file # # # Make a clean pdb file # # # Initialize the system from the pdb # pass
[docs] @classmethod def fromSequence(cls, sequence, dna_type='B_curved', output_pdb='clean.pdb', temp_name='temp', compute_topology=True): """ Initializes a DNA object from a DNA sequence """ self = cls() self.parseConfigurationFile() sequence = pandas.Series([a for a in sequence], index=[('A', i) for i in range(len(sequence))]) # Make a possible structure self.computeGeometry(sequence, temp_name=temp_name) self.DNAtype=dna_type # Make a clean pdb file self = self.fromPDB(f'{temp_name}_template.pdb', dna_type=dna_type, output_pdb=output_pdb, compute_topology=compute_topology) return self
[docs] @classmethod def fromXYZ(cls, xyz_file, dnatype='B_curved', template_from_X3DNA=True, output_pdb='clean.pdb', temp_name='temp', compute_topology=True): """ Initializes DNA object from xyz file (as seen on the examples) """ # Parse the file self = cls() self.atoms = pandas.read_csv(xyz_file, delim_whitespace=True, skiprows=2, names=['name', 'x', 'y', 'z']) # Compute residues and chains residue = 0 residues = [] chain = 0 chains = [] sugar = True for t in self.atoms['name']: if t == 'P': residue += 1 sugar = False elif t == 'S': if sugar: residue += 1 chain += 1 sugar = True residues += [residue] chains += [chain] self.atoms['resSeq'] = residues self.atoms['chainID'] = chains # compute resid and resname fields res_ix = {} # min_res = self.atoms.groupby('chain')['resSeq'].min() # max_res = self.atoms.groupby('chain')['resSeq'].max() for i, res in self.atoms[~self.atoms['name'].isin(['S', 'P'])].iterrows(): resname = 'D' + res['name'] # if res['resSeq'] == min_res[res['chain']]: # resname += 'i' # if res['resSeq'] == max_res[res['chain']]: # resname += 'f' res_ix.update({(res['chainID'], res['resSeq']): resname}) self.atoms['resname'] = [res_ix[(r['chainID'], r['resSeq'])] for i, r in self.atoms.iterrows()] self.DNAtype = dnatype if compute_topology: self.parseConfigurationFile() self.computeTopology(temp_name=temp_name, template_from_X3DNA=template_from_X3DNA) self.writePDB(output_pdb) return self
[docs]class System(simtk.openmm.System): """ Wrapper of openmm system class, adds some openmm simulation attributes"""
[docs] def __init__(self, dna, forcefieldFiles=[f'{__location__}/3SPN2.xml'], periodicBox=None): self.dna = dna = if is None: x = dna.atoms[['x', 'y', 'z']] d = np.round((x.max() - x.min()) * 2 + 5, -1) self.coord = self.forcefield =*forcefieldFiles) self._wrapped_system = self.forcefield.createSystem( self.periodicBox = periodicBox if periodicBox is not None: self._wrapped_system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(*np.diag(self.periodic_box)) self.dna.periodic = True elif self.dna.periodic == True: self.dna.periodic = False print('Periodic boundary conditions not defined, system will be non periodic') self.forces = {}
def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in self.__dict__: return getattr(self, attr) return getattr(self._wrapped_system, attr) def clearForces(self, keepCMMotionRemover=True): """ Removes all the forces from the system. openMM usually adds a "CMMotionRemover" force to keep the center of mass of the system from drifting.""" j = 0 for i, f in enumerate(self.getForces()): if keepCMMotionRemover and i == 0 and f.__class__ == simtk.openmm.CMMotionRemover: # print('Kept ', f.__class__) j += 1 continue else: # print('Removed ', f.__class__) self.removeForce(j) if keepCMMotionRemover == False: assert len(self.getForces()) == 0, 'Not all the forces were removed' else: assert len(self.getForces()) <= 1, 'Not all the forces were removed' def add3SPN2forces(self, verbose=False): """ Adds all DNA forces""" for force_name in forces: if verbose: print(force_name) force = forces[force_name](self.dna) if force_name in ['BasePair', 'CrossStacking']: force.addForce(self) else: self.addForce(force) self.forces.update({force_name: force}) def addProteinDNAforces(self, verbose=False): """ Adds protein - DNA interaction forces""" for force_name in protein_dna_forces: if verbose: print(force_name) force = forces[force_name](self.dna) self.addForce(force) self.forces.update({force_name: force}) def initializeMD(self, temperature=300 * unit.kelvin, platform_name='Reference', damping=2/unit.picosecond, timestep=2*unit.femtoseconds): """Starts a simple simulation using the selected system""" self.integrator = simtk.openmm.LangevinIntegrator(temperature, damping, timestep) self.platform = simtk.openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName(platform_name) self.simulation =, self._wrapped_system, self.integrator, self.platform) self.simulation.context.setPositions(self.coord.positions) return self.simulation def setPositions(self, coords=None): """Sets the particle positions in the simulation""" # Initialize trial MD if not setup try: self.simulation except AttributeError: self.initializeMD() # Set up coords for MD if coords is None: self.simulation.context.setPositions(self.coord.positions) else: self.simulation.context.setPositions(coords) def getPotentialEnergy(self, coords=None, energy_unit=unit.kilojoule_per_mole): """Returns the potential energy of the current state of the system (default unit KJ/mol)""" # Initialize trial MD if not setup try: self.simulation except AttributeError: self.initializeMD() self.setPositions(coords) state = self.simulation.context.getState(getEnergy=True) return state.getPotentialEnergy().value_in_unit(energy_unit) def recomputeEnergy(self, trajectory, platform_name='Reference'): """Returns the potential energy of each snapshot in a xyz trajectory""" traj = parse_xyz(trajectory) self.initializeMD(platform_name=platform_name) energies = [] for time, snapshot in traj.groupby('timestep'): energy = self.getPotentialEnergy(np.array(snapshot[['x', 'y', 'z']]) * _df) energies += [energy] return np.array(energies)
class Force(object): """ Wrapper for the openMM force. """ def __init__(self, dna, OpenCLPatch=True): self.periodic = dna.periodic self.force = None self.dna = dna # The patch allows the crosstacking force to run in OpenCL # introducing a small difference in the crosstacking energy self.OpenCLPatch = OpenCLPatch # Define the dna force self.reset() # Define the interaction pairs self.defineInteraction() def __getattr__(self, attr): if attr in self.__dict__: return getattr(self, attr) elif 'force' in self.__dict__: return getattr(self.force, attr) else: if '__repr__' in self.__dict__: raise AttributeError(f"type object {str(self)} has no attribute {str(attr)}") else: raise AttributeError() def computeEnergy(self, system, trajectory): # Parse trajectory traj = parse_xyz('Tests/adna/') # clear all forces on the system system.clearForces() # setup the force self.setUpInteraction() # for each item of the table: # add the force item # compute the energy for every frame # return a Table with the energy def computeSingleEnergy(self, system, trajectory): # Parse trajectory traj = parse_xyz('Tests/adna/') # for each item of the table: # clear all forces on the system # system.clearForces() # setup the force # self.setUpInteraction() # add the force item # compute the energy for every frame # return a table with the energy
[docs]class Bond(Force, simtk.openmm.CustomBondForce): def __init__(self, dna, force_group=6, OpenCLPatch=True): self.force_group = force_group super().__init__(dna, OpenCLPatch=OpenCLPatch) def getParameterNames(self): self.perInteractionParameters = [] self.GlobalParameters = [] for i in range(self.force.getNumPerBondParameters()): self.perInteractionParameters += [self.force.getPerBondParameterName(i)] for i in range(self.force.getNumGlobalParameters()): self.GlobalParameters += [self.force.getGlobalParameterName(i)] return [self.perInteractionParameters, self.GlobalParameters] def reset(self): bondForce = simtk.openmm.CustomBondForce("Kb2*(r-r0)^2+Kb3*(r-r0)^3+Kb4*(r-r0)^4") bondForce.addPerBondParameter('r0') bondForce.addPerBondParameter('Kb2') bondForce.addPerBondParameter('Kb3') bondForce.addPerBondParameter('Kb4') bondForce.setUsesPeriodicBoundaryConditions(self.periodic) bondForce.setForceGroup(self.force_group) self.force = bondForce def defineInteraction(self): for i, b in self.dna.bonds.iterrows(): # Units converted from parameters = [b['r0'], b['Kb2'], b['Kb3'], b['Kb4']] self.force.addBond(int(b['aai']), int(b['aaj']), parameters)
[docs]class Angle(Force, simtk.openmm.HarmonicAngleForce): def __init__(self, dna, force_group=7, OpenCLPatch=True): self.force_group = force_group super().__init__(dna, OpenCLPatch=OpenCLPatch) def reset(self): angleForce = simtk.openmm.HarmonicAngleForce() angleForce.setUsesPeriodicBoundaryConditions(self.periodic) angleForce.setForceGroup(self.force_group) self.force = angleForce def defineInteraction(self): for i, a in self.dna.angles.iterrows(): parameters = [a['t0'] * _af, a['epsilon'] * 2] self.force.addAngle(int(a['aai']), int(a['aaj']), int(a['aak']), *parameters)
[docs]class Stacking(Force, simtk.openmm.CustomCompoundBondForce): def __init__(self, dna, force_group=8, OpenCLPatch=True): self.force_group = force_group super().__init__(dna, OpenCLPatch=OpenCLPatch) def reset(self): stackingForce = simtk.openmm.CustomCompoundBondForce(3, """energy; energy=rep+f2*attr; rep=epsilon*(1-exp(-alpha*(dr)))^2*step(-dr); attr=epsilon*(1-exp(-alpha*(dr)))^2*step(dr)-epsilon; dr=distance(p2,p3)-sigma; f2=max(f*pair2,pair1); pair1=step(dt+pi/2)*step(pi/2-dt); pair2=step(dt+pi)*step(pi-dt); f=1-cos(dt)^2; dt=rng*(angle(p1,p2,p3)-t0);""") stackingForce.setUsesPeriodicBoundaryConditions(self.periodic) stackingForce.addPerBondParameter('epsilon') stackingForce.addPerBondParameter('sigma') stackingForce.addPerBondParameter('t0') stackingForce.addPerBondParameter('alpha') stackingForce.addPerBondParameter('rng') stackingForce.addGlobalParameter('pi', np.pi) stackingForce.setForceGroup(self.force_group) self.force = stackingForce def defineInteraction(self): for i, a in self.dna.stackings.iterrows(): parameters = [a['epsilon'], a['sigma'], a['t0'] * _af, a['alpha'], a['rng']] self.force.addBond([a['aai'], a['aaj'], a['aak']], parameters)
[docs]class Dihedral(Force, simtk.openmm.CustomTorsionForce): def __init__(self, dna, force_group=9, OpenCLPatch=True): self.force_group = force_group super().__init__(dna, OpenCLPatch=OpenCLPatch) def reset(self): dihedralForce = simtk.openmm.CustomTorsionForce("""energy; energy = K_periodic*(1-cs)-K_gaussian*exp(-dt_periodic^2/2/sigma^2); cs = cos(dt); dt_periodic = dt-floor((dt+pi)/(2*pi))*(2*pi); dt = theta-t0""") # dihedralForce=simtk.openmm.CustomTorsionForce("theta/60.") dihedralForce.setUsesPeriodicBoundaryConditions(self.periodic) dihedralForce.addPerTorsionParameter('K_periodic') dihedralForce.addPerTorsionParameter('K_gaussian') dihedralForce.addPerTorsionParameter('sigma') dihedralForce.addPerTorsionParameter('t0') dihedralForce.addGlobalParameter('pi', np.pi) dihedralForce.setForceGroup(self.force_group) self.force = dihedralForce def defineInteraction(self): for i, a in self.dna.dihedrals.iterrows(): parameters = [a['K_dihedral'], a['K_gaussian'], a['sigma'], (180 + a['t0']) * _af] particles = [a['aai'], a['aaj'], a['aak'], a['aal']] self.force.addTorsion(*particles, parameters)
[docs]class BasePair(Force, simtk.openmm.CustomHbondForce): def __init__(self, dna, force_group=10, OpenCLPatch=True): self.force_group = force_group super().__init__(dna, OpenCLPatch=OpenCLPatch) def reset(self): def basePairForce(): pairForce = simtk.openmm.CustomHbondForce('''energy; energy=rep+1/2*(1+cos(dphi))*fdt1*fdt2*attr; rep = epsilon*(1-exp(-alpha*dr))^2*(1-step(dr)); attr = epsilon*(1-exp(-alpha*dr))^2*step(dr)-epsilon; fdt1 = max(f1*pair0t1,pair1t1); fdt2 = max(f2*pair0t2,pair1t2); pair1t1 = step(pi/2+dt1)*step(pi/2-dt1); pair1t2 = step(pi/2+dt2)*step(pi/2-dt2); pair0t1 = step(pi+dt1)*step(pi-dt1); pair0t2 = step(pi+dt2)*step(pi-dt2); f1 = 1-cos(dt1)^2; f2 = 1-cos(dt2)^2; dphi = dihedral(d2,d1,a1,a2)-phi0; dr = distance(d1,a1)-sigma; dt1 = rng*(angle(d2,d1,a1)-t01); dt2 = rng*(angle(a2,a1,d1)-t02);''') if self.periodic: pairForce.setNonbondedMethod(pairForce.CutoffPeriodic) else: pairForce.setNonbondedMethod(pairForce.CutoffNonPeriodic) pairForce.setCutoffDistance(1.8) # Paper pairForce.addPerDonorParameter('phi0') pairForce.addPerDonorParameter('sigma') pairForce.addPerDonorParameter('t01') pairForce.addPerDonorParameter('t02') pairForce.addPerDonorParameter('rng') pairForce.addPerDonorParameter('epsilon') pairForce.addPerDonorParameter('alpha') pairForce.addGlobalParameter('pi', np.pi) self.force = pairForce pairForce.setForceGroup(self.force_group) return pairForce basePairForces = {} pair_definition = self.dna.pair_definition[self.dna.pair_definition['DNA'] == self.dna.DNAtype] for i, pair in pair_definition.iterrows(): basePairForces.update({i: basePairForce()}) self.forces = basePairForces def defineInteraction(self): pair_definition = self.dna.pair_definition[self.dna.pair_definition['DNA'] == self.dna.DNAtype] atoms = self.dna.atoms.copy() atoms['index'] = atoms.index atoms.index = zip(atoms['chainID'], atoms['resSeq'], atoms['name']) is_dna = atoms['resname'].isin(_dnaResidues) for i, pair in pair_definition.iterrows(): D1 = atoms[(atoms['name'] == pair['Base1']) & is_dna].copy() A1 = atoms[(atoms['name'] == pair['Base2']) & is_dna].copy() try: D2 = atoms.loc[[(c, r, 'S') for c, r, n in D1.index]] except KeyError: for c, r, n in D1.index: if (c, r, 'S') not in atoms.index: print(f'Residue {c}:{r} does not have a Sugar atom (S)') raise KeyError try: A2 = atoms.loc[[(c, r, 'S') for c, r, n in A1.index]] except KeyError: for c, r, n in A1.index: if (c, r, 'S') not in atoms.index: print(f'Residue {c}:{r} does not have a Sugar atom (S)') raise KeyError D1_list = list(D1['index']) A1_list = list(A1['index']) D2_list = list(D2['index']) A2_list = list(A2['index']) # Define parameters parameters = [pair.torsion * _af, pair.sigma * _df, pair.t1 * _af, pair.t2 * _af, pair.rang, pair.epsilon * _ef, pair.alpha / _df] # Add donors and acceptors # Here I am including the same atom twice, # it doesn't seem to break things for d1, d2 in zip(D1_list, D2_list): self.forces[i].addDonor(d1, d2, -1, parameters) #print(d1, d2, d2, parameters) for a1, a2 in zip(A1_list, A2_list): self.forces[i].addAcceptor(a1, a2, -1) #print(a1, a2, a2) # Exclude interactions D1['donor_id'] = [i for i in range(len(D1))] A1['aceptor_id'] = [i for i in range(len(A1))] for (_i, atom_a), (_j, atom_b) in itertools.product(D1.iterrows(), A1.iterrows()): # Neighboring residues # The sequence exclusion was reduced to two residues # since the maximum number of exclusions in OpenCL is 4. # In the original 3SPN2 it was 3 residues (6 to 9) # This change has no noticeable effect if (atom_a.chainID == atom_b.chainID) and (abs(atom_a.resSeq - atom_b.resSeq) <= 2): self.forces[i].addExclusion(atom_a['donor_id'], atom_b['aceptor_id']) #print(_i, _j) def addForce(self, system): for f in self.forces: system.addForce(self.forces[f])
[docs]class CrossStacking(Force): def __init__(self, dna, force_group=11, OpenCLPatch=True): self.force_group = force_group super().__init__(dna, OpenCLPatch=OpenCLPatch) def reset(self): def crossStackingForce(parametersOnDonor=False): crossForce = simtk.openmm.CustomHbondForce(f'''energy; energy = fdt3*fdtCS*attr/2; attr = epsilon*(1-exp(-alpha*dr))^2*step(dr)-epsilon; fdt3 = max(f1*pair0t3,pair1t3); fdtCS = max(f2*pair0tCS,pair1tCS); pair0t3 = step(pi+dt3)*step(pi-dt3); pair0tCS = step(pi+dtCS)*step(pi-dtCS); pair1t3 = step(pi/2+dt3)*step(pi/2-dt3); pair1tCS = step(pi/2+dtCS)*step(pi/2-dtCS); f1 = 1-cos(dt3)^2; f2 = 1-cos(dtCS)^2; dr = distance(d1,a3)-sigma; dt3 = rng_BP*(t3-t03); dtCS = rng_CS*(tCS-t0CS); tCS = angle(d2,d1,a3); t3 = acos(cost3lim); cost3lim = min(max(cost3,-0.99),0.99); cost3 = sin(t1)*sin(t2)*cos(phi)-cos(t1)*cos(t2); t1 = angle(d2,d1,a1); t2 = angle(d1,a1,a2); phi = dihedral(d2,d1,a1,a2);''') if self.periodic: crossForce.setNonbondedMethod(crossForce.CutoffPeriodic) else: crossForce.setNonbondedMethod(crossForce.CutoffNonPeriodic) crossForce.setCutoffDistance(1.8) # Paper parameters = ['t03', 't0CS', 'rng_CS', 'rng_BP', 'epsilon', 'alpha', 'sigma'] for p in parameters: if parametersOnDonor: crossForce.addPerDonorParameter(p) else: crossForce.addPerAcceptorParameter(p) crossForce.addGlobalParameter('pi', np.pi) crossForce.setForceGroup(self.force_group) return crossForce crossStackingForces = {} for base in ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C']: crossStackingForces.update({base: (crossStackingForce(), crossStackingForce())}) self.crossStackingForces = crossStackingForces def defineInteraction(self): atoms = self.dna.atoms.copy() atoms['index'] = atoms.index atoms.index = zip(atoms['chainID'], atoms['resSeq'], atoms['name'].replace(['A', 'C', 'T', 'G'], 'B')) is_dna = atoms['resname'].isin(_dnaResidues) bases = atoms[atoms['name'].isin(['A', 'T', 'G', 'C']) & is_dna] D1 = bases D2 = atoms.reindex([(c, r, 'S') for c, r, n in bases.index]) D3 = atoms.reindex([(c, r + 1, 'B') for c, r, n in bases.index]) A1 = D1 A2 = D2 A3 = atoms.reindex([(c, r - 1, 'B') for c, r, n in bases.index]) # Select only bases where the other atoms exist D2.index = D1.index D3.index = D1.index temp = pandas.concat([D1, D2, D3], axis=1, keys=['D1', 'D2', 'D3']) sel = temp[temp['D3', 'name'].isin(['A', 'T', 'G', 'C']) & # D3 must be a base temp['D2', 'name'].isin(['S']) & # D2 must be a sugar (temp['D3', 'chainID'] == temp['D1', 'chainID']) & # D3 must be in the same chain (temp['D2', 'chainID'] == temp['D1', 'chainID'])].index # D2 must be in the same chain D1 = atoms.reindex(sel) D2 = atoms.reindex([(c, r, 'S') for c, r, n in sel]) D3 = atoms.reindex([(c, r + 1, 'B') for c, r, n in sel]) # Aceptors A2.index = A1.index A3.index = A1.index temp = pandas.concat([A1, A2, A3], axis=1, keys=['A1', 'A2', 'A3']) sel = temp[temp['A3', 'name'].isin(['A', 'T', 'G', 'C']) & # A3 must be a base temp['A2', 'name'].isin(['S']) & # A2 must be a sugar (temp['A3', 'chainID'] == temp['A1', 'chainID']) & # A3 must be in the same chain (temp['A2', 'chainID'] == temp['A1', 'chainID'])].index # A2 must be in the same chain A1 = atoms.reindex(sel) A2 = atoms.reindex([(c, r, 'S') for c, r, n in sel]) A3 = atoms.reindex([(c, r - 1, 'B') for c, r, n in sel]) # Parameters cross_definition = self.dna.cross_definition[self.dna.cross_definition['DNA'] == self.dna.DNAtype].copy() i = [a for a in zip(cross_definition['Base_d1'], cross_definition['Base_a1'], cross_definition['Base_a3'])] cross_definition.index = i donors = {i: [] for i in ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C']} for donator, donator2, d1, d2, d3 in zip(D1.itertuples(), D3.itertuples(), D1['index'], D2['index'], D3['index']): d1t = d3t = c1, c2 = self.crossStackingForces[d1t] a1t = _complement[d1t] param = cross_definition.loc[[(a1t, d1t, d3t)]].squeeze() parameters = [param['t03'] * _af, param['T0CS_2'] * _af, param['rng_cs2'], param['rng_bp'], param['eps_cs2'] * _ef, param['alpha_cs2'] / _df, param['Sigma_2'] * _df] c1.addDonor(d1, d2, d3) c2.addAcceptor(d1, d2, d3, parameters) # print("Donor", d1t, d1, d2, d3) donors[d1t] += [d1] aceptors = {i: [] for i in ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C']} for aceptor, aceptor2, a1, a2, a3 in zip(A1.itertuples(), A3.itertuples(), A1['index'], A2['index'], A3['index']): a1t = a3t = c1, c2 = self.crossStackingForces[_complement[a1t]] d1t = _complement[a1t] param = cross_definition.loc[[(d1t, a1t, a3t)]].squeeze() parameters = [param['t03'] * _af, param['T0CS_1'] * _af, param['rng_cs1'], param['rng_bp'], param['eps_cs1'] * _ef, param['alpha_cs1'] / _df, param['Sigma_1'] * _df] c1.addAcceptor(a1, a2, a3, parameters) c2.addDonor(a1, a2, a3) # print("Aceptor", a1t, a1, a2, a3) aceptors[_complement[a1t]] += [a1] # Exclusions for base in ['A', 'T', 'G', 'C']: c1, c2 = self.crossStackingForces[base] for ii, i in enumerate(donors[base]): for jj, j in enumerate(aceptors[base]): # The sequence exclusion was reduced to two residues # since the maximum number of exclusions in OpenCL is 4. # In the original 3SPN2 it was 3 residues (6 to 9) # This change has a small effect in B-DNA and curved B-DNA # The second change is to make the interaction symetric and dividing the energy over 2 # This also reduces the number of exclusions in the force maxn = 6 if self.OpenCLPatch else 9 if ([i, 'chainID'] ==[j, 'chainID'] and abs(i - j) <= maxn) or \ (not self.OpenCLPatch and i > j): c1.addExclusion(ii, jj) c2.addExclusion(jj, ii) def addForce(self, system): for c1, c2 in self.crossStackingForces.values(): system.addForce(c1) system.addForce(c2) def getForceGroup(self): fg = 0 for c1, c2 in self.crossStackingForces.values(): fg = c1.getForceGroup() break for c1, c2 in self.crossStackingForces.values(): assert fg == c1.getForceGroup() assert fg == c2.getForceGroup() return fg
def addNonBondedExclusions(dna, force, OpenCLPatch=True): is_dna = dna.atoms['resname'].isin(_dnaResidues) atoms = dna.atoms.copy() selection = atoms[is_dna] for (i, atom_a), (j, atom_b) in itertools.combinations(selection.iterrows(), r=2): if j < i: i, j = j, i atom_a, atom_b = atom_b, atom_a # Neighboring residues if atom_a.chainID == atom_b.chainID and (abs(atom_a.resSeq - atom_b.resSeq) <= 1): force.addExclusion(i, j) # print(i, j) # Base-pair residues elif OpenCLPatch and (atom_a['name'] in _complement.keys()) and (atom_b['name'] in _complement.keys()) and ( atom_a['name'] == _complement[atom_b['name']]): force.addExclusion(i, j) # print(i, j)
[docs]class Exclusion(Force, simtk.openmm.CustomNonbondedForce): def __init__(self, dna, force_group = 12, OpenCLPatch=True): self.force_group = force_group super().__init__(dna, OpenCLPatch=OpenCLPatch) def reset(self): exclusionForce = simtk.openmm.CustomNonbondedForce("""energy; energy=(epsilon*((sigma/r)^12-2*(sigma/r)^6)+epsilon)*step(sigma-r); sigma=0.5*(sigma1+sigma2); epsilon=sqrt(epsilon1*epsilon2)""") exclusionForce.addPerParticleParameter('epsilon') exclusionForce.addPerParticleParameter('sigma') exclusionForce.setCutoffDistance(1.8) exclusionForce.setForceGroup(self.force_group) # There can not be multiple cutoff distance on the same force group if self.periodic: exclusionForce.setNonbondedMethod(exclusionForce.CutoffPeriodic) else: exclusionForce.setNonbondedMethod(exclusionForce.CutoffNonPeriodic) self.force = exclusionForce def defineInteraction(self): # addParticles particle_definition = self.dna.particle_definition[self.dna.particle_definition['DNA'] == self.dna.DNAtype] particle_definition.index = # Reduces or increases the cutoff to the maximum particle radius self.force.setCutoffDistance(particle_definition.radius.max() * _df) # Select only dna atoms is_dna = self.dna.atoms['resname'].isin(_dnaResidues) atoms = self.dna.atoms.copy() atoms['is_dna'] = is_dna for i, atom in atoms.iterrows(): if atom.is_dna: param = particle_definition.loc[atom['name']] parameters = [param.epsilon * _ef, param.radius * _df] else: parameters = [0, .1] # Null energy and some radius) # print(i, parameters) self.force.addParticle(parameters) # addExclusions addNonBondedExclusions(self.dna, self.force)
[docs]class Electrostatics(Force, simtk.openmm.CustomNonbondedForce): def __init__(self, dna, force_group=13, temperature=300*unit.kelvin, salt_concentration=100*unit.millimolar, OpenCLPatch=True): self.force_group = force_group self.T = temperature self.C = salt_concentration super().__init__(dna, OpenCLPatch=OpenCLPatch) def reset(self): T = self.T C = self.C e = 249.4 - 0.788 * (T / unit.kelvin) + 7.2E-4 * (T / unit.kelvin) ** 2 a = 1 - 0.2551 * (C / unit.molar) + 5.151E-2 * (C / unit.molar) ** 2 - 6.889E-3 * (C / unit.molar) ** 3 #print(e, a) dielectric = e * a # Debye length kb = unit.BOLTZMANN_CONSTANT_kB # Bolztmann constant Na = unit.AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA # Avogadro number ec = 1.60217653E-19 * unit.coulomb # proton charge pv = 8.8541878176E-12 * unit.farad / unit.meter # dielectric permittivity of vacuum ldby = np.sqrt(dielectric * pv * kb * T / (2.0 * Na * ec ** 2 * C)) ldby = ldby.in_units_of(unit.nanometer) denominator = 4 * np.pi * pv * dielectric / (Na * ec ** 2) denominator = denominator.in_units_of(unit.kilocalorie_per_mole**-1 * unit.nanometer**-1) #print(ldby, denominator) electrostaticForce = simtk.openmm.CustomNonbondedForce("""energy; energy=q1*q2*exp(-r/dh_length)/denominator/r;""") electrostaticForce.addPerParticleParameter('q') electrostaticForce.addGlobalParameter('dh_length', ldby) electrostaticForce.addGlobalParameter('denominator', denominator) electrostaticForce.setCutoffDistance(5) if self.periodic: electrostaticForce.setNonbondedMethod(electrostaticForce.CutoffPeriodic) else: electrostaticForce.setNonbondedMethod(electrostaticForce.CutoffNonPeriodic) electrostaticForce.setForceGroup(self.force_group) self.force = electrostaticForce def defineInteraction(self): # addParticles particle_definition = self.dna.particle_definition[self.dna.particle_definition['DNA'] == self.dna.DNAtype] particle_definition.index = # Select only dna atoms is_dna = self.dna.atoms['resname'].isin(_dnaResidues) atoms = self.dna.atoms.copy() atoms['is_dna'] = is_dna for i, atom in atoms.iterrows(): if atom.is_dna: param = particle_definition.loc[atom['name']] parameters = [param.charge] else: parameters = [0] # No charge if it is not DNA # print (i,parameters) self.force.addParticle(parameters) # add neighbor exclusion addNonBondedExclusions(self.dna, self.force, self.OpenCLPatch)
class ProteinDNAForce(Force): def __init__(self, dna, protein): self.protein = protein super().__init__(dna)
[docs]class ExclusionProteinDNA(ProteinDNAForce): """ Protein-DNA exclusion potential""" def __init__(self, dna, protein, k=1, force_group=14): self.k = k self.force_group = force_group super().__init__(dna, protein) def reset(self): k = self.k exclusionForce = simtk.openmm.CustomNonbondedForce(f"""{k}*energy; energy=(4*epsilon*((sigma/r)^12-(sigma/r)^6)-offset)*step(cutoff-r); offset=4*epsilon*((sigma/cutoff)^12-(sigma/cutoff)^6); sigma=0.5*(sigma1+sigma2); epsilon=sqrt(epsilon1*epsilon2); cutoff=sqrt(cutoff1*cutoff2)""") exclusionForce.addPerParticleParameter('epsilon') exclusionForce.addPerParticleParameter('sigma') exclusionForce.addPerParticleParameter('cutoff') exclusionForce.setCutoffDistance(1.55) # exclusionForce.setUseLongRangeCorrection(True) exclusionForce.setForceGroup(self.force_group) # There can not be multiple cutoff distance on the same force group if self.periodic: exclusionForce.setNonbondedMethod(exclusionForce.CutoffPeriodic) else: exclusionForce.setNonbondedMethod(exclusionForce.CutoffNonPeriodic) self.force = exclusionForce def defineInteraction(self): particle_definition = self.dna.config['Protein-DNA particles'] dna_particle_definition=particle_definition[(particle_definition['molecule'] == 'DNA') & (particle_definition['DNA'] == self.dna.DNAtype)] protein_particle_definition = particle_definition[(particle_definition['molecule'] == 'Protein')] # Merge DNA and protein particle definitions particle_definition = pandas.concat([dna_particle_definition, protein_particle_definition], sort=False) particle_definition.index = particle_definition.molecule + self.particle_definition = particle_definition is_dna = self.dna.atoms['resname'].isin(_dnaResidues) is_protein = self.dna.atoms['resname'].isin(_proteinResidues) atoms = self.dna.atoms.copy() atoms['is_dna'] = is_dna atoms['is_protein'] = is_protein atoms['epsilon']=np.nan atoms['radius']=np.nan atoms['cutoff'] = np.nan DNA_list = [] protein_list = [] for i, atom in atoms.iterrows(): if atom.is_dna: param = particle_definition.loc['DNA' + atom['name']] parameters = [param.epsilon * _ef, param.radius * _df, param.cutoff * _df] DNA_list += [i] elif atom.is_protein: param = particle_definition.loc['Protein' + atom['name']] parameters = [param.epsilon * _ef, param.radius * _df, param.cutoff * _df] protein_list += [i] else: print(f'Residue {i} not included in protein-DNA interactions') parameters = [0, .1,.1] atoms.loc[i, ['epsilon', 'radius', 'cutoff']] = parameters self.atoms = atoms self.force.addParticle(parameters) self.force.addInteractionGroup(DNA_list, protein_list) # addExclusions addNonBondedExclusions(self.dna, self.force)
[docs]class ElectrostaticsProteinDNA(ProteinDNAForce): """DNA-protein and protein-protein electrostatics.""" def __init__(self, dna, protein, k=1, force_group=15): self.k = k self.force_group = force_group super().__init__(dna, protein) def reset(self): dielectric = 78 # e * a #print(dielectric) # Debye length Na = unit.AVOGADRO_CONSTANT_NA # Avogadro number ec = 1.60217653E-19 * unit.coulomb # proton charge pv = 8.8541878176E-12 * unit.farad / unit.meter # dielectric permittivity of vacuum ldby = 1.2 * unit.nanometer # np.sqrt(dielectric * pv * kb * T / (2.0 * Na * ec ** 2 * C)) denominator = 4 * np.pi * pv * dielectric / (Na * ec ** 2) denominator = denominator.in_units_of(unit.kilocalorie_per_mole**-1 * unit.nanometer**-1) #print(ldby, denominator) k = self.k electrostaticForce = simtk.openmm.CustomNonbondedForce(f"""k_electro_protein_DNA*energy; energy=q1*q2*exp(-r/inter_dh_length)/inter_denominator/r;""") electrostaticForce.addPerParticleParameter('q') electrostaticForce.addGlobalParameter('k_electro_protein_DNA', k) electrostaticForce.addGlobalParameter('inter_dh_length', ldby) electrostaticForce.addGlobalParameter('inter_denominator', denominator) electrostaticForce.setCutoffDistance(4) if self.periodic: electrostaticForce.setNonbondedMethod(electrostaticForce.CutoffPeriodic) else: electrostaticForce.setNonbondedMethod(electrostaticForce.CutoffNonPeriodic) electrostaticForce.setForceGroup(self.force_group) self.force = electrostaticForce def defineInteraction(self): # Merge DNA and protein particle definitions particle_definition = self.dna.config['Protein-DNA particles'] dna_particle_definition=particle_definition[(particle_definition['molecule'] == 'DNA') & (particle_definition['DNA'] == self.dna.DNAtype)] protein_particle_definition = particle_definition[(particle_definition['molecule'] == 'Protein')] # Merge DNA and protein particle definitions particle_definition = pandas.concat([dna_particle_definition, protein_particle_definition], sort=False) particle_definition.index = particle_definition.molecule + self.particle_definition = particle_definition # Open Sequence dependent electrostatics sequence_electrostatics = self.dna.config['Sequence dependent electrostatics'] sequence_electrostatics.index = sequence_electrostatics.resname # Select only dna and protein atoms is_dna = self.protein.atoms['resname'].isin(_dnaResidues) is_protein = self.protein.atoms['resname'].isin(_proteinResidues) atoms = self.protein.atoms.copy() atoms['is_dna'] = is_dna atoms['is_protein'] = is_protein DNA_list = [] protein_list = [] for i, atom in atoms.iterrows(): if atom.is_dna: param = particle_definition.loc['DNA' + atom['name']] charge = param.charge parameters = [charge] if charge != 0: DNA_list += [i] #print(atom.chainID, atom.resSeq, atom.resname, atom['name'], charge) elif atom.is_protein: atom_param = particle_definition.loc['Protein' + atom['name']] seq_param = sequence_electrostatics.loc[atom.real_resname] charge = atom_param.charge * seq_param.charge parameters = [charge] if charge != 0: protein_list += [i] #print(atom.chainID, atom.resSeq, atom.resname, atom['name'], charge) else: print(f'Residue {i} not included in protein-DNA electrostatics') parameters = [0] # No charge if it is not DNA # print (i,parameters) self.force.addParticle(parameters) self.force.addInteractionGroup(DNA_list, protein_list) # self.force.addInteractionGroup(protein_list, protein_list) #protein-protein electrostatics should be included using debye Huckel Terms # addExclusions addNonBondedExclusions(self.dna, self.force)
class AMHgoProteinDNA(ProteinDNAForce): """ Protein-DNA amhgo potential""" def __init__(self, dna, protein, chain_protein='A', chain_DNA='B', k_amhgo_PD=1*unit.kilocalorie_per_mole, sigma_sq=0.05*unit.nanometers**2, aaweight=False, globalct=True, cutoff=1.8, force_group=16): self.force_group = force_group self.k_amhgo_PD = k_amhgo_PD self.sigma_sq= sigma_sq self.chain_protein = chain_protein self.chain_DNA = chain_DNA self.aaweight = aaweight self.cutoff = cutoff self.globalct = globalct super().__init__(dna, protein) def reset(self): cutoff = self.cutoff k_3spn2 = self.k_3spn2 if self.globalct: amhgoForce = simtk.openmm.CustomBondForce(f"-k_amhgo_PD*gamma_ij*exp(-(r-r_ijN)^2/(2*sigma_sq))*step({cutoff}-r)") else: amhgoForce = simtk.openmm.CustomBondForce(f"-k_amhgo_PD*gamma_ij*exp(-(r-r_ijN)^2/(2*sigma_sq))*step(r_ijN+{cutoff}-r)") amhgoForce.addGlobalParameter("k_amhgo_PD", k_3spn2*self.k_amhgo_PD) amhgoForce.addGlobalParameter("sigma_sq", self.sigma_sq) amhgoForce.addPerBondParameter("gamma_ij") amhgoForce.addPerBondParameter("r_ijN") amhgoForce.setUsesPeriodicBoundaryConditions(self.periodic) amhgoForce.setForceGroup(self.force_group) # There can not be multiple cutoff distance on the same force group self.force = amhgoForce def defineInteraction(self): atoms = self.dna.atoms.copy() atoms['index'] = atoms.index atoms.index = zip(atoms['chainID'], atoms['resSeq'], atoms['name']) contact_list = np.loadtxt("contact_protein_DNA.dat") for i in range(len(contact_list)): gamma_ij = contact_list[i][3] if self.aaweight else 1.0 if (self.chain_protein, int(contact_list[i][0]), 'CB') in atoms.index: CB_protein = atoms[(atoms['chainID'] == self.chain_protein) & (atoms['resSeq'] == int(contact_list[i][0])) & (atoms['name'] == 'CB') & atoms['resname'].isin(_proteinResidues)].copy() else: CB_protein = atoms[(atoms['chainID'] == self.chain_protein) & (atoms['resSeq'] == int(contact_list[i][0])) & (atoms['name'] == 'CA') & atoms['resname'].isin(_proteinResidues)].copy() base_DNA = atoms[(atoms['chainID'] == self.chain_DNA) & (atoms['resSeq'] == int(contact_list[i][1])) & (atoms['name'].isin(['A', 'T', 'G', 'C'])) & atoms['resname'].isin(_dnaResidues)].copy() r_ijN = contact_list[i][2]/10.0*unit.nanometers self.force.addBond(int(CB_protein['index'].values[0]), int(base_DNA['index'].values[0]), [gamma_ij, r_ijN]) #print(int(CB_protein['index'].values[0]), int(base_DNA['index'].values[0]), [gamma_ij, r_ijN]) # class AMHgoProteinDNA(ProteinDNAForce): # """ Protein-DNA amhgo potential (Xinyu)""" # def __init__(self, dna, protein, chain_protein='A', chain_DNA='B', k_amhgo_PD=1*unit.kilocalorie_per_mole, # sigma_sq=0.05*unit.nanometers**2, aaweight=False, cutoff=1.8, force_group=16): # self.force_group = force_group # self.k_amhgo_PD = k_amhgo_PD # self.sigma_sq= sigma_sq # self.chain_protein = chain_protein # self.chain_DNA = chain_DNA # self.aaweight = aaweight # self.cutoff = cutoff # super().__init__(dna, protein) # # def reset(self): # cutoff = self.cutoff # amhgoForce = simtk.openmm.CustomBondForce(f"-k_amhgo_PD*gamma_ij*exp(-(r-r_ijN)^2/(2*sigma_sq))*step({cutoff}-r)") # amhgoForce.addGlobalParameter("k_amhgo_PD", self.k_amhgo_PD) # amhgoForce.addGlobalParameter("sigma_sq", self.sigma_sq) # amhgoForce.addPerBondParameter("gamma_ij") # amhgoForce.addPerBondParameter("r_ijN") # amhgoForce.setUsesPeriodicBoundaryConditions(self.periodic) # amhgoForce.setForceGroup(self.force_group) # There can not be multiple cutoff distance on the same force group # self.force = amhgoForce # # def defineInteraction(self): # atoms = self.dna.atoms.copy() # atoms['index'] = atoms.index # atoms.index = zip(atoms['chainID'], atoms['resSeq'], atoms['name']) # # contact_list = np.loadtxt("contact_protein_DNA.dat") # for i in range(len(contact_list)): # if self.aaweight: gamma_ij = contact_list[i][3] # else: gamma_ij = 1.0 # if (self.chain_protein, int(contact_list[i][0]), 'CB') in atoms.index: # CB_protein = atoms[(atoms['chainID'] == self.chain_protein) & (atoms['resSeq'] == int(contact_list[i][0])) & # (atoms['name'] == 'CB') & atoms['resname'].isin(_proteinResidues)].copy() # else: # CB_protein = atoms[(atoms['chainID'] == self.chain_protein) & (atoms['resSeq'] == int(contact_list[i][0])) & # (atoms['name'] == 'CA') & atoms['resname'].isin(_proteinResidues)].copy() # base_DNA = atoms[(atoms['chainID'] == self.chain_DNA) & (atoms['resSeq'] == int(contact_list[i][1])) & # (atoms['name'].isin(['A', 'T', 'G', 'C'])) & atoms['resname'].isin(_dnaResidues)].copy() # r_ijN = contact_list[i][2]/10.0*unit.nanometers # self.force.addBond(int(CB_protein['index'].values[0]), int(base_DNA['index'].values[0]), [gamma_ij, r_ijN]) # print(int(CB_protein['index'].values[0]), int(base_DNA['index'].values[0]), [gamma_ij, r_ijN]) class StringProteinDNA(ProteinDNAForce): """ Protein-DNA string potential (Xinyu)""" def __init__(self, dna, protein, r0, chain_protein='A', chain_DNA='B', k_string_PD=10*4.184, protein_seg=False, group=[]): self.k_string_PD = k_string_PD self.chain_protein = chain_protein self.chain_DNA = chain_DNA self.r0 = r0 self.protein_seg = protein_seg = group super().__init__(dna, protein) def reset(self): r0=self.r0 k_string_PD=self.k_string_PD stringForce = simtk.openmm.CustomCentroidBondForce(2, f"0.5*{k_string_PD}*(distance(g1,g2)-{r0})^2") self.force = stringForce print("String_PD bias on: r0, k_string = ", r0, k_string_PD) def defineInteraction(self): atoms = self.dna.atoms.copy() atoms['index'] = atoms.index CA_atoms = atoms[(atoms['chainID'] == self.chain_protein) & (atoms['name'] == 'CA') & atoms['resname'].isin(_proteinResidues)].copy() S_atoms = atoms[(atoms['chainID'] == self.chain_DNA) & (atoms['name'] == 'S') & atoms['resname'].isin(_dnaResidues)].copy() CA_index = [int(atom.index) for atom in CA_atoms.itertuples()] if self.protein_seg: self.force.addGroup([CA_index[x] for x in]) else: self.force.addGroup(CA_index) self.force.addGroup([int(atom.index) for atom in S_atoms.itertuples()]) bondGroups = [0, 1] print(self.force.getGroupParameters(0)) print(self.force.getGroupParameters(1)) self.force.addBond(bondGroups) class String_length_ProteinDNA(ProteinDNAForce): """ Protein-DNA string potential (Xinyu)""" def __init__(self, dna, protein, chain_protein='A', chain_DNA='B', protein_seg=False, group=[], force_group=17): self.force_group = force_group self.chain_protein = chain_protein self.chain_DNA = chain_DNA self.protein_seg = protein_seg = group super().__init__(dna, protein) def reset(self): length = simtk.openmm.CustomCentroidBondForce(2, "distance(g1,g2)") length.setForceGroup(self.force_group) self.force = length def defineInteraction(self): atoms = self.dna.atoms.copy() atoms['index'] = atoms.index CA_atoms = atoms[(atoms['chainID'] == self.chain_protein) & (atoms['name'] == 'CA') & atoms['resname'].isin(_proteinResidues)].copy() S_atoms = atoms[(atoms['chainID'] == self.chain_DNA) & (atoms['name'] == 'S') & atoms['resname'].isin(_dnaResidues)].copy() CA_index = [int(atom.index) for atom in CA_atoms.itertuples()] if self.protein_seg: self.force.addGroup([CA_index[x] for x in]) else: self.force.addGroup(CA_index) self.force.addGroup([int(atom.index) for atom in S_atoms.itertuples()]) bondGroups = [0, 1] print(self.force.getGroupParameters(0)) print(self.force.getGroupParameters(1)) self.force.addBond(bondGroups) # List forces forces = dict(Bond=Bond, Angle=Angle, Stacking=Stacking, Dihedral=Dihedral, BasePair=BasePair, CrossStacking=CrossStacking, Exclusion=Exclusion, Electrostatics=Electrostatics) protein_dna_forces=dict(ExclusionProteinDNA=ExclusionProteinDNA, ElectrostaticsProteinDNA=ElectrostaticsProteinDNA) # Unit testing def test_DNA_from_pdb(): """ Test correct DNA initialization from PDB""" mol = DNA.fromPDB("Tests/1svc/1svc.pdb", template_from_X3DNA=False) def test_DNA_from_gro(): """ Test correct DNA initialization from gromacs files""" pass def test_DNA_from_seq(): """ Test correct DNA initialization from sequence files""" return True #Needs X3DNA seq = 'ATACAAAGGTGCGAGGTTTCTATGCTCCCACG' dna = DNA.fromSequence(seq, dna_type='B_curved') # Compute the topology for the DNA structure. # Since the dna was generated from the sequence using X3DNA, # it is not necesary to recompute the geometry. dna.computeTopology(template_from_X3DNA=False) # Create the system. # To set periodic boundary conditions (periodicBox=[50,50,50]). # The periodic box size is in nanometers. dna.periodic = False s = System(dna, periodicBox=None) # Add 3SPN2 forces s.add3SPN2forces(verbose=True) import simtk.openmm import import simtk.unit import sys import numpy as np # Initialize Molecular Dynamics simulations s.initializeMD(temperature=300 * simtk.unit.kelvin, platform_name='OpenCL') simulation = s.simulation # Set initial positions simulation.context.setPositions(s.coord.getPositions()) energy_unit = simtk.openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole # Total energy state = simulation.context.getState(getEnergy=True) energy = state.getPotentialEnergy().value_in_unit(energy_unit) print('TotalEnergy', round(energy, 6), energy_unit.get_symbol()) # Detailed energy energies = {} for force_name, force in s.forces.items(): group = force.getForceGroup() state = simulation.context.getState(getEnergy=True, groups=2 ** group) energies[force_name] = state.getPotentialEnergy().value_in_unit(energy_unit) for force_name in s.forces.keys(): print(force_name, round(energies[force_name], 6), energy_unit.get_symbol())
[docs]def test_DNA_from_xyz(): """Tests the correct parsing from an xyz file""" mol = DNA.fromXYZ('Tests/adna/', template_from_X3DNA=False) assert[8, 'name'] == 'P' assert round([188, 'y'], 6) == -8.779343
# Functional testing def parse_xyz(filename=''): columns = ['N', 'timestep', 'id', 'name', 'x', 'y', 'z'] data = [] with open(filename, 'r') as traj_file: atom = pandas.Series(index=columns) atom['id'] = None for line in traj_file: s = line.split() if len(s) == 1: atom['N'] = int(s[0]) if atom['id'] > -1: assert atom['id'] == atoms atoms = int(s[0]) elif len(s) == 3: atom['timestep'] = int(s[2]) atom['id'] = 0 elif len(s) > 3: atom['name'] = int(s[0]) atom['x'], atom['y'], atom['z'] = [float(a) for a in s[1:4]] data += [atom.copy()] atom['id'] += 1 xyz_data = pandas.concat(data, axis=1).T for i in ['N', 'timestep', 'id', 'name']: xyz_data[i] = xyz_data[i].astype(int) return xyz_data def parse_log(filename=''): columns = '' log_data = [] with open(filename, 'r') as log_file: start = False for line in log_file: if line[:4] == 'Step': columns = line.split() start = True continue if start: try: log_data += [[float(a) for a in line.split()]] except ValueError: break log_data = pandas.DataFrame(log_data, columns=columns) try: for i in ['Step', 'nbp']: log_data[i] = log_data[i].astype(int) except KeyError: for i in ['Step', 'v_nbp']: log_data[i] = log_data[i].astype(int) return log_data
[docs]def test_parse_xyz(): """Tests the example trajectory parsing""" xyz_data = parse_xyz('Tests/adna/') assert[1, 'name'] == 7 assert[1, 'x'] == 4.34621
[docs]def test_parse_log(): """Tests the example log parsing""" log_data = parse_log('Tests/adna/sim.log') assert[1, 'Step'] == 2000 assert[1, 'eexcl'] == 0.45734636
[docs]class TestEnergies: """Tests that the energies are the same as the example outputs from lammps""" def _test_energy(self, log_energy='E_bond', log_file='Tests/adna/sim.log', traj_file='Tests/adna/', force='Bond', periodic_size=94.2, platform_name='Reference', dna=None, system=None): self.dna = dna self.system = system self.system.clearForces() self.system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(*np.diag([2 * periodic_size / 10] * 3)) log = parse_log(log_file) self.system.clearForces() f = forces[force] tempforce = f(self.dna) try: tempforce.addForce(self.system) except AttributeError: self.system.addForce(tempforce) energies = self.system.recomputeEnergy(traj_file, platform_name=platform_name) d = (energies / _ef - log[log_energy]) diff = np.sqrt((d ** 2).sum() / len(energies)) print(f'The difference in the energy term {log_energy} is {diff} Kcal/mol') print(f'The DNA type of the system is {self.dna.DNAtype}') data = np.array([energies / _ef, np.array(log[log_energy]), np.array(d)]) results = pandas.DataFrame(data.T, columns=['Openmm energy', 'Lammps energy', 'Difference']) # print(data) print(pandas.DataFrame(data.T, columns=['Openmm energy', 'Lammps energy', 'Difference'])) # The maximum error seems to be bonds in curved BDNA (0.002) assert diff < 2E-3, diff assert len(results.dropna()) == len(results), results def test_energies(self): test_sets = pandas.read_csv('Tests/test_cases.csv', comment='#') for i, tests in test_sets.groupby(['Folder', 'DNA type']): folder = i[0] dna_type = i[1] self.dna = DNA.fromXYZ(f'{folder}/', dna_type, template_from_X3DNA=False) self.system = System(self.dna) for j, test in tests.iterrows(): print(j) yield self._test_energy, test['Energy term'], f'{folder}/{test.Log}', f'{folder}/{test.Trajectory}', \ test['Name'], test['periodic size'], test['Platform'], self.dna, self.system def _test_force(self, log_energy='E_bond', log_file='Tests/adna/sim.log', traj_file='Tests/adna/', force='Bond', periodic_size=94.2, platform_name='Reference', dna=None, system=None): self.dna = dna self.system = system self.system.clearForces() self.system.setDefaultPeriodicBoxVectors(*np.diag([2 * periodic_size / 10] * 3)) log = parse_log(log_file) self.system.clearForces() f = forces[force] tempforce = f(self.dna) try: tempforce.addForce(self.system) except AttributeError: self.system.addForce(tempforce) temperature = 300 * simtk.openmm.unit.kelvin integrator = simtk.openmm.LangevinIntegrator(temperature, 1 / simtk.openmm.unit.picosecond, 2 * simtk.openmm.unit.femtoseconds) platform = simtk.openmm.Platform.getPlatformByName(platform_name) simulation =, self.system, integrator, platform) simulation.context.setPositions(self.system.coord.getPositions()) energy_unit = simtk.openmm.unit.kilojoule_per_mole nan_force_particles = 0 for i in range(10): state = simulation.context.getState(getForces=True) ff = state.getForces() sf = (np.array(ff) ** 2).sum(axis=1) ** .5 for j, f in enumerate(sf): if np.isnan(f.value_in_unit(unit.kilojoule_per_mole / unit.nanometer)): print(f"Particle {j + 1}/{len(sf)} has force {f} at step {i}") nan_force_particles += 1 simulation.step(1) assert nan_force_particles == 0, "At least one particle has undefined force" def test_forces(self): test_sets = pandas.read_csv('Tests/test_cases.csv', comment='#') for i, tests in test_sets.groupby(['Folder', 'DNA type']): folder = i[0] dna_type = i[1] self.dna = DNA.fromXYZ(f'{folder}/', dna_type, template_from_X3DNA=False) self.system = System(self.dna) for j, test in tests.iterrows(): print(j) yield self._test_force, test['Energy term'], f'{folder}/{test.Log}', f'{folder}/{test.Trajectory}', \ test['Name'], test['periodic size'], test['Platform'], self.dna, self.system def _test_energies_slow(self): test_sets = pandas.read_csv('Tests/test_cases.csv', comment='#') for i, test in test_sets.iterrows(): dna_type = test['DNA type'] folder = test['Folder'] yield self._test_energy, test['Energy term'], f'{folder}/{test.Log}', f'{folder}/{test.Trajectory}', \ test['Name'], folder, dna_type, test['periodic size'], test['Platform']
# Some typical errors class BaseError(Exception): pass
[docs]class DNATypeError(BaseError): """Only some DNA types are defined (A, B, B_curved)""" def __init__(self, dna): self.dna = dna self.message = f'DNA type {dna.DNAtype} not defined in the configuration file\n' defined_types = dna.angle_definition['DNA'].unique() self.message += f'Only the types {str(defined_types)} were defined' print(self.message)
class X3DNAnotFound(BaseError): """Only some DNA types are defined (A, B, B_curved)""" def __init__(self): self.message = f'The $X3DNA variable not found in the environment.\n Make sure X3DNA is installed and the environment ' \ f'variable $X3DNA is defined.' print(self.message)